Orlando’s Trusted
Home Painting Contractors
We are full-service, professional painting contractors and pressure washers
serving city neighborhoods and suburbs in Orlando since 2000.
Harmony Painting Inc residential painting company has been serving Orlando for 18 Years.
We strive to provide quality, customized service to residents and businesses wishing to make improvements to the interior or exterior of their property. We handle a spectrum of painting and decorating projects, large or small, straightforward or complex.
We prepare to perfection! Making sure that everything from floors, ceilings, windows, fixtures, and counters are protected from any drips. All interiors are rolled, we do not spray unless the home is empty and our clients ask for it. We know our clients home is where they come to enjoy and relax, so we treat it as such!
Home Painting
As professional painters, we take pride in being a part of helping our clients in the process of remodeling their home. We’ve been specialized in the residential painting industry for over 15 years, bringing quality work and professionalism to the table. Let us help you bring your home to life with new colors and excitement.
We know your home is different and unique. Therefore we know, no matter what the finish of your home is, we are prepared to make it look like new. Whether a home needs flat, satin, gloss or semi-gloss, we are ready to make it look right!
Residential Painting Orlando
Baseboards, bedrooms, bathrooms, cabinets, hand railings, crown moldings, family rooms, playrooms, french doors, kitchens, laundry rooms, living rooms, dining rooms, offices, walls, ceilings or doors, we take care of it all!
Our Mission
Our painting company and painters working for us are committed to providing thorough, consistent and professional quality painting work to all Orlando and Central Florida area customers.